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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 1-256

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Dynamic Contact with Normal Compliance Wear and Discontinuous Friction Coefficient

Kenneth L. Kuttler and Meir Shillor

pp. 1-27

Uniqueness and Stability of $ L^\infty$ Solutions for Temple Class Systems with Boundary and Properties of the Attainable Sets

Fabio Ancona and Paola Goatin

pp. 28-63

A Refined Global Well-Posedness Result for Schrödinger Equations with Derivative

J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. Takaoka, and T. Tao

pp. 64-86

On the Hölder Continuity of Solutions of a Certain System Related to Maxwell's Equations

Kyungkeun Kang and Seick Kim

pp. 87-100

Functions and Domains Having Minimal Resistance Under a Single-Impact Assumption

M. Comte and T. Lachand-Robert

pp. 101-120

On the Cauchy Problem for Stochastic Stokes Equations

R. Mikulevicius

pp. 121-141

Weak Stability of Nonuniformly Stable Multidimensional Shocks

Jean-François Coulombel

pp. 142-172

Smoothness of Center Manifolds for Maps and Formal Adjoints for Semilinear FDEs in General Banach Spaces

Teresa Faria, Wenzhang Huang, and Jianhong Wu

pp. 173-203

Uniform Persistence, Coexistence, and Extinction in Almost Periodic/Nonautonomous Competition Diffusion Systems

Georg Hetzer and Wenxian Shen

pp. 204-227

Triple Variational Principles for Eigenvalues of Self-Adjoint Operators and Operator Functions

David Eschwé and Heinz Langer

pp. 228-238

Critical Magnetic Field and Asymptotic Behavior of Superconducting Thin Films

Shijin Ding and Qiang Du

pp. 239-256